Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Penataran Pelatih B ke A2 dan Penyegaran Pelatih A2

Tanggal :04 – 08 September 2007

Tempat :Sekertariat Pengprov Perbasi DKI Jakarta
Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brojonegoro
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. C-22 Jakarta Selatan

Peserta :
1.Pelatih dan Ass. Pelatih lisensi A2
2.Pelatih dan Ass. Pelatih tim IBL/KOBATAMA/ KOBANITA/ Divisi I dengan
lisensi B
3.Pelatih dan Ass. Pelatih tim PON lisensi B
4.Pelatih dan Ass. Pelatih universitas (LIBAMANAS) dengan lisensi B

Kapasitas :40 Peserta (dengan skala prioritas)

Biaya :Rp. 600.000,- / peserta

Pendaftaran: Sekertariat Pengprov Perbasi DKI Jakarta
Gelanggang Mahasiswa Soemantri Brojonegoro
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. C-22 Jakarta Selatan

Friday, August 3, 2007

7 Good Reasons to Get Your Child Involved in Sports

Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle
Making exercise a part of your child's life teaches your child the importance of fitness. This, along with proper nutrition, plays a vital role in maintaining health. Children need physical activity every day and participation in sports helps fill this need. With today's wealth of video games and increasing computer literacy, daily physical activity is often times forgotten. Getting your child involved with sports helps them make exercise a part of their lifestyle and increases their chance of a being a healthier adult.

Promote Self Esteem
When a child realizes that they are getting better and better at their sport, they can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Choosing a sport your child can grow and improve in gives your child an opportunity to build self-esteem. Together, with positive reinforcement from you their parent, they will gain confidence and have a more positive view of themselves.

Learn Goal Setting
I'm sure you'll agree goal setting and success go hand in hand. Participation in sports gives your child a fun, practical way to learn about goal setting. They'll see, experience, and learn about how goal setting works. If your child's coach doesn't cover goal setting, that's okay! You as a parent can sit down with your child and set goals. By assisting your child in developing this skill, you give them a better chance at succeeding in life.

Learn and Experience Teamwork
How often have you read a help wanted ad where the employer wants a "team player" or a candidate that "works well with others"? I see it all the time. How much more valuable are you as an employee when you can put differences aside and get the job done? Sports teach children about teamwork and about how their actions affect other people. If they can't learn to work together with teammates while playing a sport they enjoy, how will they be able to work with co-workers they may or may not like while performing a job they may or may not enjoy? This is an important lesson to learn. Encourage your child to be a team player and, as a sports parent, keep tabs on whether or not your words and actions promote this trait in your child.

Develop Time Management Skills
Adding extracurricular activities to your child's schedule encourages development of and time management and prioritization skills. Teach your child that taking care of responsibilities, such as school work and cleaning up after themselves, comes first. This gives them their first taste of prioritization. Next, help your child formulate a plan which enables them to efficiently handle their responsibilities while still leaving time for sports practices and competitions. For example, show your child how working on homework instead of playing outside during their after-school program helps them finish their homework in time for practice each day. Then go ahead and make that part of your plan.

Learn About Dealing with Adversity
Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has problems. How well you handle these mistakes and problems directly affects happiness and quality of life. Many people "get in a slump" and can't get out of it. Others continue making the same mistakes over and over again. In sports, we always try to minimize errors, but we're human. Mistakes happen. Even professional athletes make bad choices and make bad plays, but it's not the mistake that counts. What you do from that point forward carries much more significance. If your child learns how to deal with adversity, errors, and challenges in sports, chances are, they'll be able to translate that skill to real life and effectively minimize mistakes and/or bad decisions as well as competently recover from set backs.

Have Fun!
Positive experiences play an essential role in raising a happy, healthy human being. Sports provide numerous opportunities for positive experiences both for your child as an individual, and for your family as a whole. "Sports parents" are blessed with the chance to watch their child have fun while learning and developing as an athlete and as a human being.

About the Author

Stacie Mahoe
Owner - www.AllAboutFastpitch.com
For more sports-related articles and "sports parenting" tips visit www.AllAboutFastpitch.com

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kejuaraan PERBASI Cup 2007 Kota Bekasi

Karena kesibukan moderator, mohon maaf kalau lupa diupdate yah.... :)

Kejuaraan ini diikuti oleh beberapa team se-Kota Bekasi untuk beberapa kategori yaitu :
Kelompok Div 2 :
1. Legenda
2. Hope
3. 67 Club
4. Fortius A
5. Fortius B
6. Virus
7. X5
8. Obelix
9. Play Hour

Kelompok 18 Tahun
1. 67 Club
2. Virus
3. SMP
4. Obelix
5. Play Hour
6. Fortius
7. X5

Kelompok 16 Tahun
1. Play Hour
2. SMP
3. X5
4. Hope
5. 67 Club
6. Legenda
7. Fortius

Kelompok Universitas
1. Bani Saleh
2. Unisma

Sayangnya kejuaraan ini pun yang rencananya tidak ada SMU, karena kekurangan pendaftar di kelompok Universitas, panitia terpaksa mencari peserta dari tingkat SMU, yg dilakukan dgn cara mengundang langsung di detik-detik terakhir pendaftaran... (yah kalo bakal gini kan bisa ikutan juga yg lain kan...kasian kan yg enggak diundang... :()

Kelompok SMU
1. SMA Marsud
2. SMA 1
3. SMA Yadika
4. SMA 5
5. SMA Ananda
6. SMA 8
8. SMA Kitri Bakti

Kejuaraan ini memakai sistem pertandingan 1/2 kompetisi u/ semua kategori kecuali SMU memakai sistem gugur.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Program Latihan Team

Berikut adalah salah satu program latihan untuk sebuah team Basket.
Program latihan ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman saja, tapi tanpa mengabaikan teori yang ada, masukkan akan program ini sangat berguna demi perbaikan selanjutnya.

Program ini disusun untuk team basket yang tingkatannya lebih diatas dasar-dasar, mungkin bisa disetarakan selevel team yg akan bertanding untuk Kejurda atau Antar SMU.

Dasar latihan 7 x seminggu minimal 1,5 bulan sebelum pertandingan dengan vairasi latihan yang proporsional, misalnya :

Minggu I

1. individual drilling (musti banyak bgt latihan shooting, biar akurasi tembakan semakin bagus) 80% porsi latihan.-saat & setelah latihan-
2.Team drilling (off & deff- kasih pattern basic aja jgn yg susah2 pake 2 or 3 macem udah cukup, asal bisa jalan dengan maksimal).

1. Sama dengan Point 1. hari senin.
2. Praktek patern Game Play

1. Tetep Shooting practice (degnan variasi)
2. Game play & implementasi pattern

1. Try in/Try Out (praktek pattern Def & Off)
2. Shooting Practice (dengan variasi)

1. Review hasil Uji coba
2. Shotting Practice (selalu dgn variasi )

Break jalan2 bareng.

Minggu Break-Total

Minggu II

Senin. = senin Minggu I

Selasa = Try In/Out + Lat Shooting

Rabu = Team Drilling + Shooting

Kamis = Try Out

Jum'at= Swimming

Sabtu + Minggu = break

Minggu III

Senin = Senin Minggu I

Selasa = Try In + Shooting Practice

RAbu = Team Drill + Shooting Practice

Kamis = Try in/Out

Jum'at = Try in/Out

Sabtu = Swimming

Minggu = Break

Minggu IV

Senin = Team Drill + Shotting PRactice

Selasa = Try In/Out

Rabu = Team DRill + Shooting Practice

Kamis =Team Drill + Shooting Practice

Jum'at = Try Out/In

Sabtu = jogging bareng (santai)

Minggu= break

Semoga berguna....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Next Event Basket

Gebyar Fortius Basket Ball Bekasi, Kejuaraan antar club dan pelajar yang akan diadakan di GOR Bekasi pada bulan Agustus 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Event Basket di Bekasi

Tanggal 22-28 Juli 2007, Kejuaraan Bola Basket antar Club Divisi 2 dan Libama Kota Bekasi yang di adakan oleh PERBASI BEKASI. Untuk Club dibagi menjadi 3 kategori yaitu Divisi 2, 18 th, & 16 th.
Pendaftaran & syarat-syarat dapat menghubungi Sekertaris PERBASI, Bpk Agus, Gedung KONI, Jl Jend Ahmad Yani no 1 Bekasi.
Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 18 Juli dan technical meeting tanggal 19 Juli 2007